Hi, I'm Alejandra!
I'm a California-based computer science graduate with an interest in full stack web development and Android development.Projects Skills & Experience
About Me
My professional path may not be straightforward, but there is one thing that has never changed: I want to build things and change lives through technology.Past
- Udacity Nanodegree in Full Stack Web Development
- FreeCodeCamp Certification for Responsive Web Design
- Sales Representative for a mobile wireless company
- B.S. in Computer Science - California State University, Long Beach
- Scholarship for Udacity Nanodegree in Android Basics
- Data entry clerk for wholesale fashion company
- Accounting Clerk at a hardware store and administrative assistant at a chemical company
- FreeCodeCamp's JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
- Learning new skills by working on new projects, especially React.js
- Continuous learning for personal and professional growth
- Software Engineer for a unique and innovative tech company
These are the projects I've done so far!Good Cakes
A landing page for a fictional bakeryDetails ×
- Created for FreeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design Certification
- HTML and CSS, Bootstrap for the header
- Flexbox for form and CSS grid for shop items
- Basic HTML form validation
Coding Buddies Survey Form
Simple responsive form for a fictional Discord serverDetails ×
- Created for FreeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design Certification
- HTML and CSS
- Basic HTML form validation
Sticky Notes App
Simple CRUD sticky notes app done with React.Details ×
- In progress: Can add, edit and delete sticky notes
- Future Endeavors: Develop backend / connection to database to permanently store notes, design revamp
- React, JavaScript, React Bootstrap, CSS
Portfolio Site
That's this site!Details ×
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Inventory App
Android application that tracks the inventory of a retail store.Details ×
- Created for Udacity's Android Basics Nanodegree
- View, add, update, and delete products stored in SQLite database
- Java, SQLite
Latest in Tech News
Android application that displays news stories from The Guardian.Details ×
- Created for Udacity's Android Basics Nanodegree
- View tech related news stories queried from The Guardian's API
- Preferences that modify which articles are displayed
- Java, JSON
Weird but True
This web application allows the user to view, add, and delete items in a database.Details ×
- Group project for software design and architecture course. Team of 3.
- Users can view, add, and delete items in a database. The database was to be used in an Amazon Alexa Skill, but unfortunately, the Alexa Skill was removed from the store.
- JavaScript - Node.js, Express.js, Pug.js, and MongoDB
Event Hopper
An unofficial campus event management system.Details ×
- Note: This is an incomplete project. Not all features work correctly.
- Group project for senior design course. Team of 4
- JavaScript - Node.js, Express.js, Pug.js, and MongoDB
- Worked primarily on the back end
Programming Languages
- JavaScript
- Java
- Python
- SQLite
- MongoDB